The following contain information centralized in the UEC Voter List Database. It does not represent a full account of the Voter List as it was used during the 2015 election. The Voter List is updated on regular basis by the UEC throughout the country in anticipation to future election events.
The following statistics accounts for the information centralized at the UEC. The Voter List Update is a highly decentralized system where data is consolidated regularly from Townships to the UEC servers. There is hence a delay between an update on the Township list and the moment it is reflected in the numbers extracted from the Central Voter List. The statistical information below is a snapshot of the database on 2015-09-05, 14:15pm. Information might differ from 2015 announcement due to post-election update or delay in data collection for some remote regions.
Data anomalies can be explained by missing date of birth (sum of the age distribution not equal to the total of voters).