- Sr Constituency Authority Reason for Rejection/Allegation Respondent Name Respondent Party/Independant Appeal to higher level Sub-Commission/UEC UEC review
- 1 Kachin State Myitkyina Pyithu Myitkyina Sub-Commission Underage (25) U Yin Htan Yone National League for Democracy Party
- 2 Kayin State Amyotha Myawaddy District Sub-Commission Underage (30) U Naing Chan Thar Mon National Party
- 3 Rakhine State Amyotha Kyauk Taw District Sub-Commission Underage (30) Daw July Moe Mro National Development Party
- 4 Rakhine State Amyotha Kyauk Taw District Sub-Commission Underage (30) U Kyaw Naing Soe National League for Democracy Party Appealed but State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal.
- 5 Yangon Region Region Kyauktada Yangon Region West District Sub-Commission Underage (25) Daw Soe Soe Aye Democracy and Human Rights Party Appealed but State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal. UEC Reviewed the decision from the region and accepted the candidate.
- 6 Yangon Region Region Pabedan Yangon Region West District Sub-Commission Underage (25) Daw Cho Cho Democracy and Human Rights Party Appealed but State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal.
- 7 Yangon Region Region Alhone Yangon Region West District Sub-Commission Underage (25) U Soe Moe Htoo National Democratic Front Appealed but State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal.
- 8 Yangon Region Amyotha Yangon Region West District Sub-Commission Underage (25) U Htay Win Negotiation, Stability and Peace Party
- 9 Shan State Amyotha Taunggyi District Sub-Commission Underage (30) U Nyi Nyi Zaw Inn Ethnic League Party
- 10 Shan State Region Pinlaung Pa-O District Sub-Commission Underage (25) U Kyaw Kham Ti Shan Nationalities Democratic Party
- 11 Kayah State Baw La Khae Amyotha Baw La Khae District Sub-Commission Underage (30) U Phyo Wai Aung National League for Democracy Party
- 12 Kayah State Region Maingla-1 Kyaing Tong District Sub-Commission Underage (25) U Sai Kyaw Win Shan Nationalities Democratic Party
- 13 Kayah State Loikaw Amyotha Loikaw District Sub-Commission Less than 10 years living in country U Lwi Si Nyein (a) Khwin Bi Htoo Kayan National Party Yes, State Sub-Commission dismissed appeal and confirmed rejection.
- 14 Kayin State Kawtkareik Amyotha Kawtkareik District Sub-Commission Less than 10 years living in country U Naing Thaung Shein Mon National Party Yes, State Sub-Commission dismissed appeal and confirmed rejection.
- 15 Kayin State Region Myawaddy Myawaddy District Sub-Commission Less than 10 years living in country U Saw Kwar Lar National Unity Party
- 16 Bago Region Region Pyay-2 Pyay District Sub-Commission Less than 10 years living in country U Zin Ko Ko Tun Union of Myanmar Federation of Natioanl Politics Party Yes, Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of CN UEC reversed the Region Sub-Commission decision and accepted the candidate.
- 17 Rakhine State Region Pauk Taw-1 Pauk Taw District Sub-Commission Less than 10 years living in country U Ba Khin (a) U Aung Min Oo Independent Yes. State Sub-Commission reversed the District decision and accepted the candidate
- 18 Rakhine State Region Sittwe-2 Sittwe District Sub-Commission Less than 10 years living in country U Kyaw Zaw Oo Independent Yes. State Sub-Commission reversed the District decision and accepted the candidate
- 19 Yangon Region Region, unknown Township???? Yangion North District Sub-Commission Less than 10 years living in country Daw Naw Wah Wah Htoo Kayin National Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission reversed the District decision and accepted the candidate
- 20 Shan State Region Mabein-1 MoeMeik District Sub-Commission Less than 10 years living in country U Sai Myo Myint Shan Nationalities Democratic Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed candidate rejection
- 21 Kayin State Region Hpapun Hpapun District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue U Aye Mya Kayin People’s Party no
- 22 Sagaing Region Region Tamu-1 Tamu District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue U Yan Ko Shin Chin League for Democracy Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed candidate rejection.
- 23 Bago Region Region Kawa-1 Bago District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Aung Zaw Oo Allied Farmer Party
- 24 Bago Region Bago Pyithu Bago District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Yu Sein National Democratic Front
- 25 Bago Region Region Oaktwin-1 Taungoo District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Khin Maung Win Kayin National Party
- 26 Bago Region Amyotha Taungoo District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship Daw Arthi Devi National Democratic Front Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of candidate
- 27 Magway Region Region Aunglan-1 Thayet District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Zaw Min National League for Democracy Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission reversed the district decision and accepted the canndidate
- 28 Manladay Region Region Chan Aye Thar Zan-1 Manladay District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship Dr. Win Myint National League for Democracy Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of CN UEC confirmed region Sub-Commission decision and rejected the candidate.
- 29 Manladay Region Region Chan Aye Thar Zan-2 Manladay District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship Daw Cho Cho San Federal Union Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of CN
- 30 Rakhine State MaungTaw Pyithu MaungTaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Than Tun Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of CN UEC confirmed region Sub-Commission decision and rejected the candidate.
- 31 Rakhine State MaungTaw Pyithu MaungTaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Ah Bu Nar Say (Pink) National Development and Peace Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of CN
- 32 Rakhine State MaungTaw Pyithu Maungdaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Kyaw Min (Tri-fold) Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of CN
- 33 Rakhine State MaungTaw Pyithu MaungTaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Shwe Maung (a) Ah Dul Yor Sat (Pink) Independent Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of CN
- 34 Rakhine State MaungTaw Pyithu MaungTaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Shwe Maung (a) Ah Dul Yor Sat (Pink) Independent Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of CN
- 35 Rakhine State Sittwe Pyithu Sittwe District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Myo Myint National Development and Peace Party
- 36 Rakhine State Amyotha Mauntaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Zaw Min (Pink) National Development and Peace Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 37 Rakhine State Amyotha Mauntaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Phaw Yawl Zul Houk (Tri-fold) Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC confirmed state SC decision and rejected CN
- 38 Rakhine State Amyotha Mauntaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Chay Khauk Ali (a) U Saw Min (Pink) National Development and Peace Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 39 Rakhine State Amyotha Maungdaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Tun Min (a) U Amm Tii Yars Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 40 Rakhine State Amyotha Maungdaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Zaw Lay National League for Democracy Party
- 41 Rakhine State Amyotha Sittwe District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Ah Duu Yaw Shee (Tri-fold) Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. UEC confirmed region Sub-Commission decision and rejected the candidate.
- 42 Rakhine State Amyotha Maungdaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Phaw Zaw Arr Maw Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. UEC confirmed region Sub-Commission decision and rejected the candidate.
- 43 Rakhine State Region Sittwe-1 Sittwe District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Ah Mi Hin Sar (a) U Sein Hla Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 44 Rakhine State Region Maungtaw-1 Maungtaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Sein Myint National Development and Peace Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 45 Rakhine State Region Maungtaw-1 Maungtaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Khin Zaw Myint Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. UEC reversed region Sub-Commission decision and accepted the candidate.
- 46 Rakhine State Region Buthidaung-2 Maungdaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship Daw Tin Tin Mya National Development and Peace Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 47 Rakhine State Region Buthidaung-1 Maungdaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Soe Oo Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 48 Rakhine State Region Thandwe-1 Thandwe District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Khin Maung Tun Kaman National Progressive Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 49 Rakhine State Region Maungtaw-1 Maungtaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Shaung Shuu Ah Na Wah Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. UEC confirmed region Sub-Commission decision and rejected the candidate.
- 50 Rakhine State Region Maungtaw-2 Maungtaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Kyaw Aye National Development and Peace Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 51 Rakhine State Region Buthidaung-2 Maungdaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Soe Win (a) Na Ruu Ar Mein Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 52 Rakhine State Amyotha Maungdaw District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizens by the time she was born Daw Khin Khin Lwin Independent Yes. State Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 53 Yangon Region Region Thingangyun-2 Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Not yet a citizen Dr. Soe Tun Independent
- 54 Yangon Region Pazundaung Pyithu Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Not yet a citizen U Kyone Taing (a) U Aung Thein Independent
- 55 Yangon Region Mingalartaungnyunt Pyithu Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Not yet a citizen U Muhhamed Saw Lein Independent Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 56 Yangon Region Region Botathaung-2 Yangon West District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizens by the time she was born Daw Aye Aye Myint National Unity Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision from Region Sub-Commission and accepted the candidate.
- 57 Yangon Region Pabedan Pyithu Yangon West District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizens by the time she was born Daw Sandar Myint National Unity Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision from Region Sub-Commission and accepted the candidate.
- 58 Yangon Region Region Mingalartaungnyunt-1 Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizens by the time she was born U Aye Tun National Democratic Party for Development
- 59 Yangon Region Region Dawbon-1 Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizens by the time she was born U Aung san Myint National Democratic Party for Development
- 60 Yangon Region Region Thingangyun-2 Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Both parents don’t have I.D. cards Daw San San Myint New National Democracy Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision from Region Sub-Commission and accepted the candidate.
- 61 Yangon Region Region Thingangyun-2 Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Both parents don’t have I.D. cards Daw San San Myint New National Democracy Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 62 Yangon Region Amyotha Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizens by the time he was born U Zaw Win Democracy and Human Rights Party
- 63 Yangon Region Kyauktada Pyithu Yangon West District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizens by the time he was born U Tun Sein Hla Democracy and Human Rights Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 64 Yangon Region Region Mingalartaungnyunt-1 Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Both parents don’t have I.D cards Daw Than Yee Democracy and Human Rights Party
- 65 Yangon Region Region Botahtaung Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Mother received I.D card only on August 21, 1989 Daw Tin Tin Aye National Solidarity Congress Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 66 Yangon Region Amyitha Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Father has foreign I.D card U Myo Aung National Solidarity Congress Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 67 Yangon Region Tamwe Pyithu Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Father has foreign I.D. card U Aung Myint Min National Solidarity Congress Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision from Region Sub-Commission and accepted the candidate.
- 68 Yangon Region Region Mingalartaungnyunt-2 Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Both parents don’t have I.D cards U Khin Maung Shwe National Solidarity Congress Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision from Region Sub-Commission and accepted the candidate.
- 69 Yangon Region Thingangyun Pyithu Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Grandparents from father’s side can’t prove they are Myanmar or not U Yan Naing National Solidarity Congress Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision from Region Sub-Commission and accepted the candidate.
- 70 Yangon Region Region South Okkala Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Grandparents from father’s side can’t prove they are Myanmar or not U Yan Naing National Solidarity Congress Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision from Region Sub-Commission and accepted the candidate.
- 71 Yangon Region Region Tamwe-1 Yangon East District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Not yet a citizen U Myint Thein Kaman National Progressive Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 72 Yangon Region Amyotha Yangon North District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Father is not a citizen U Taik Soe Ni Negotiation, Stability and Peace Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 73 Yangon Region Pyithu Yangon West District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue Daw Than Than Khine National Development Party
- 74 Yangon Region Region Yangon North District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue U Aung Kyaw Nyunt USDP Yes. Region Sub-Commission reversed the decision and accepted the candidate.
- 75 Yangon Region Amyotha Yangon West District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue Narsri Ahmed (a) U Khin Maung National Democratic Party for Development Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 76 Yangon Region Amyotha Yangon West District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizen by the time of his birth U Khin Maung Cho Independent Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision from Region Sub-Commission and accepted the candidate.
- 77 Yangon Region Amyotha Yangon West District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizen by the time of his birth U Ko Ko Aung Democratic Party for New Society Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 78 Yangon Region Region Yangon West District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue U Hla Thein National Democratic Party for Development Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate.
- 79 Yangon Region Pyithu Yangon West District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: Parents were not citizen by the time of his birth U Maung Maung Gyi Independent Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision of the Region Sub-Commission and accepted candidate
- 80 Shan State Amyotha Pa Long District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Ywin Kaung National League for Democracy Party
- 81 Shan State Pyithu Mongnai Langkho District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Khin Maung Win National League for Democracy Party
- 82 Shan State Region Tachileik-1 Tachileik District Sub-Commission Citizenship Issue: No proof of citizenship U Sai Yee National Democratic Front
- 83 Kayin State Region Hpa-An Hpa-An District Sub-Commission Two applicants from same party in same constituency Daw Htwe Hla National Democratic Front
- 84 Sagaing Region Region Katha-2 Katha District Sub-Commission Two applicants from same party in same constituency U Zaw Min National League for Democracy Party
- 85 Bago Region Kyauktada Pyithu Bago District Sub-Commission Two applicants for several parties stated on nomination papers from USDP or NLD. Based on objection filed by party members during scrutiny. U Ko Ko Latt Independent
- 86 Bago Region Region Nyaunglebin-2 Bago District Sub-Commission Two applicants for several parties stated on nomination papers from USDP or NLD. Based on objection filed by party members during scrutiny. U Aung Kyaw Oo (a) U Kyaw Oo National Development Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC confirmed decision of the Region Sub-Commission and rejected candidate
- 87 Bago Region Region Nyaunglebin-2 Bago District Sub-Commission Two applicants for several parties stated on nomination papers from USDP or NLD. Based on objection filed by party members during scrutiny. U Myint Lwin National Unity Party Yes. Region Sub-Commission dismissed the appeal and confirmed rejection of the candidate. Yes. UEC reversed decision of the Region Sub-Commission and accepted candidate
- 88 Yangon Region Region Dagon Seikan-2 Yangon East District Sub-Commission Two applicants from same party in same constituency. U San Myaing National League for Democracy Party
- 89 Bago Region Region Paukkhaung-2 Pyay District Sub-Commission Not retired from civil service when submitted nomination papers. U Saw Soe Win Aung National Prosperity Party Yes. Regional Sub-Commission reversed the district Sub-Commission decision and accepted Candidate.
- 90 Magway Region Pyithu Pakokku District Sub-Commission Not retired from civil service when submitted nomination papers. U Khin Maung Swe Independent Yes. Regional Sub-Commission reversed the district Sub-Commission decision and accepted Candidate.
- 91 Yangon Region Region Yangon South District Sub-Commission Not retired from civil service U Kyaw Soe Independent Yes. Regional Sub-Commission reversed the district Sub-Commission decision and accepted Candidate.
- 92 Mandalay Region Shan Ethnic Representative Mandalay Region Sub-Commission Not eligible for ethnic seat U Sai Kyaw Zaw National League for Democracy Party Yes. UEC central reversed State/Region SC decision = accepted Candidate Nomination.
- 93 Rakhine State Chin Ethnic Representative Rakhine Region Sub-Commission Not eligible for ethnic seat Daw Mai Su Su Hlaing Chin League for Democracy Yes. UEC central reversed the State SC decision = accepted CN
- 94 Shan State Lahu Ethnic Representative Shan Region Sub-Commission Not eligible for ethnic seat U Yaw Thet Lahu National Development Party Yes. UEC central reversed the State SC decision = accepted CN
- 95 Mandalay Region PyiOoLwin Pyithu PyiOoLwin District Sub-Commission Unknown U Shwe Sin Tun Independent Yes. Regional Sub-Commission confirmed the district Sub-Commission decision.
- 96 Rakhine State Region Maungdaw-2 Maungdaw District Sub-Commission False Information provided in application: using the identity of his wife’s deceased husband. U Tun Min Soe National League for Democracy Party
- 97 Shan State Region HoPong Pa-O District Sub-Commission Chose not to go through scrutiny process U Khun Maung Htay Union Pa-O National Organization
- 98 Shan State Region MatMan-1 MatMan District Sub-Commission Chose not to go through scrutiny process U Aik Waok Independent
- 99 Shan State Region MatMan-2 MatMan District Sub-Commission Chose not to go through scrutiny process U Aik San Independent